Removal of Body Checking from house league hockey for 2013-2014

Update regarding body checking in minor hockey programs...

Hockey Canada hosted its AGM in May 2013. A modification to the playing rule 6.2b was approved, removing body-checking from all Peewee  levels and below within leagues governed by Hockey Canada, starting in 2013-14.  In addition to this rule change, a work group has been directed to build a mandatory national checking and instructional resource program to support the progressive implementation of checking skills at the Novice to Peewee levels to better prepare players for body-checking at the Bantam and Midget level.

Following this decision a motion was passed at the District 4 Executive meeting in June 2013 to take checking out of all House League hockey in District 4 for a piolet project for the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 seasons.

Subsequest to the above rulings all house teams at APMHA will be non checking for the 2013-2014 and the 2014-2015 season. 

If you have any questions regarding this please contact Shalon Doxsee, President APMHA at